Friday, January 2, 2015

When People see a disabled person

What defines a physical disability?
pertains to total or partial loss of a person’s bodily functions.

I know what people think when they see me or others with a Physical disability. 
Let me list some.
  • Staring and glares
  • Laughing
  • Calling names
  • Mocking the disabled person
Most of these things are true but are often done on a regular bases. Most family don't mind the glares, stares and rude comments, but others will stand up to people. Yea, most of us are use to it but it still hurts inside. Some but not all, that have Cerebral Palsy are in wheelchairs or walk with an limp get most of the list. Half of all physical disabilities are not the same as one anther.


  1. I've had a few people point and laugh at me when I was younger, in elementary and middle school -- particularly, one morning in the eighth grade when these two obnoxious boys called me "the kid with the broken legs" as I was walking to class. Most younger boys would just curiously ask me what's wrong with my legs or why I walk funny, and at the time, I would kindly explain that I have this condition that affects my walking called cerebral palsy.

    I have spastic diplegia, by the way. :)

    For more information, check out my Quora at

    Blessings Kayla,

    Josh in California <3

  2. Don't understand the title! We are not people. You could change it to how able bodied people sees people withe disabilities.
