Friday, January 2, 2015

What makes everyday hard..

My cerebral palsy effects my speech. So people have a hard time understanding me. Most people can understand me when I have face to face contact. It's even harder for people to understand me on the telephone. It's hard and sometimes frustrating to have to repeat myself.

With my disability of  cerebral palsy if I take my time with my speech people can understand me better but when I get really excited my speech is horrible and people do not understand me. They aka(speech therapist) same that my speech will most likely will not get better and that my speech will stay the same. I think they are WRONG. I am determined to make my speech better not worse.

Some days people can't understand me even with seeing my face. Yes somedays I want to give up and just not talk. Is that a option for me? No, because then i would be giving up everything I worked hard for.

I have a lot to be thankful for because God gave me a mild case of cerebral palsy I could have the serve type of cerebral palsy have been confined to a wheelchair and not be able to talk.  Yes, I may wish some days I would have the sever type of cerebral palsy but I won't trade my type for it.

When People see a disabled person

What defines a physical disability?
pertains to total or partial loss of a person’s bodily functions.

I know what people think when they see me or others with a Physical disability. 
Let me list some.
  • Staring and glares
  • Laughing
  • Calling names
  • Mocking the disabled person
Most of these things are true but are often done on a regular bases. Most family don't mind the glares, stares and rude comments, but others will stand up to people. Yea, most of us are use to it but it still hurts inside. Some but not all, that have Cerebral Palsy are in wheelchairs or walk with an limp get most of the list. Half of all physical disabilities are not the same as one anther.